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VDCA Displiciplinary Committee


The VDCA Disciplinary Committee is chaired by Mr Jim Wenman. Other Committee members will be appointed as and when required. Notice of Disciplinary Committee hearings and their resultant findings will be published here. Note that under the Memorandum of Understanding between Cricket BC, VDCA, and BCMCL, dated 2016 Apr 07, "any suspension applied by an appointed Disciplinary Committee of one of the parties named above shall be applied equally by the other parties to this Memorandum without recourse to the Disciplinary Committees of the other two parties."



Effective from March 6, 2019





1. Preamble


 2. Expectation of Participants


3. Vilification Code


4. Code of Conduct and the Spirit of the Game


5. Code of Behaviour


6. Application and Enforcement of Code of Conduct




            A. The Spirit of the Game


            B. VDCA’s Social Media Policy


            C. Disciplinary Process for Application of Code of Conduct


            D. Disciplinary Process and Decision Matrices


            E. Penalties and Offences (General Guidelines only)


            F. Memorandum of Understanding

APPENDIX D – Disciplinary Process and Decision Matrices


APPENDIX E – Penalties and Offences (General Guidelines only)

Level 1 Penalty provision

Level 1 penalties shall range from an official reprimand and / or a 1 game suspension.

The ‘expiry date’ for a Level 1 Penalty shall be 2 years from the date of the applicable notification of the decision by the VDCA’s Disciplinary Committee.

For repeat offenders, the Level of Penalty for the latest offence shall be the aggregate of the applicable new and previous non-expired Levels of offence to a maximum of Level 4. Notwithstanding, previous expired offences shall be taken into account when deciding penalties.

A previous offence shall be for any event under the jurisdiction or auspices of the West Coast Cricket Organisation (Cricket BC) including cricket associations affiliated directly or indirectly to Cricket BC, including the VDCA.

Level 1 Offences



General Explanation


Abuse of cricket equipment or clothing, ground equipment or fixtures and fittings.

This offence shall include all actions outside the course of normal cricket actions such as hitting or kicking the wickets and actions which intentionally or negligently result in damage to advertising boards, boundary fences, or any part of, or contents of, any building or structure at the ground.


Show dissent at an umpire’s decision by action or verbal abuse.

  • This offence shall include excessive and obvious disappointment with an umpire’s decision or with an umpire making the decision and obvious delay in resuming play or leaving the wicket.

  • This offence shall not prohibit the bowler involved in the decision or a team captain from asking an umpire to provide an explanation for a decision, or the captain from commenting on the umpires’ performance in his / her match report.


Use any language that is obscene, offensive or insulting and / or the making of an obscene gesture.

  • This offence shall include swearing and offensive gestures which are not directed at another person such as swearing in frustration at one’s own poor play or fortune.

  • The extent to which such behaviour is likely to give offence shall be taken into account when assessing the seriousness of the offence.


Engaging in excessive appealing and / or advancing towards an umpire in an aggressive manner when appealing.

Excessive shall mean repeated appealing when the bowler / fielder knows the batsman is not out, with the intention of placing the umpire under pressure.  It is not intended to prevent loud or enthusiastic appealing. However, this offence shall include the practice of celebrating or assuming a dismissal before the decision has been given.


Point or gesture towards the pavilion in an aggressive manner, or behave aggressively or derisively towards either batsman, upon the dismissal of a batsman.

This offence shall include charging or running up to the batsman and getting “in his / her face”.


Level 2 Penalty provision

Level 2 penalties shall range from a 1 game suspension to a 3 game suspension.

The ‘expiry date’ for a Level 2 Penalty shall be 2 years from the date of the applicable notification of the decision by the VDCA’s Disciplinary Committee.

For repeat offenders, the Level of Penalty for the latest offence shall be the aggregate of the applicable new and previous non-expired Levels of offence to a maximum of Level 4. Notwithstanding, previous expired offences shall be taken into account when deciding penalties.

A previous offence shall be for any event under the jurisdiction or auspices of the West Coast Cricket Organisation (Cricket BC) including cricket associations affiliated directly or indirectly to Cricket BC, including the VDCA.

Level 2 Offences




General Explanation


Show serious dissent at an umpire’s decision by action or verbal abuse.

  • Dissent shall be classified as serious where the dissent is expressed by a specific action such as the shaking of the head, snatching cap from umpire, pointing at pad or inside edge, other displays of anger or any abusive language directed at the umpire or excessive delay in resuming play or leaving the wicket.

  • This offence shall not prohibit the bowler involved in the decision or a team captain from asking an umpire to provide an explanation for a decision or the captain commenting on the umpires’ performance in his / her match report.


Engage in inappropriate and deliberate physical contact with other players or officials.

Without limitation, this offence shall be deemed to have been committed if a player deliberately walks or runs into or shoulders another player or match official.


Charge towards the umpire in an aggressive manner when appealing.



Throw the ball at or near a player or official in an inappropriate and / or dangerous manner.

This offence shall not prohibit a fielder or bowler from returning the ball to the stumps in the normal fashion.


Use any language that is obscene, offensive or of a seriously insulting nature to another player, match official, official or spectator.

This offence refers to any language or gestures which are directed at another person - see comments under 1.3 above in relation to the seriousness of the offence.


Public criticism of, or inappropriate comment on a match related incident or match official.

This offence shall include comments made by players or spectators before, during or after a match and includes use of social media.



Level 3 Penalty provision

Penalties for Level 3 offences shall range from a 3 game suspension to a 5 game suspension.

The ‘expiry date’ for a Level 3 Penalty shall be 3 years from the date of the applicable notification of the decision by the VDCA’s Disciplinary Committee.

For repeat offenders, the Level of Penalty for the latest offence shall be the aggregate of the applicable new and previous non-expired Levels of offence to a maximum of Level 4. Notwithstanding, previous expired offences shall be taken into account when deciding penalties.

A previous offence shall be for any event under the jurisdiction or auspices of the West Coast Cricket Organisation (Cricket BC) including cricket associations affiliated directly or indirectly to Cricket BC, including the VDCA.

Level 3 Offences




General Explanation


Intimidate an umpire or match official whether by any language or conduct.

This offence shall include appealing in an aggressive or threatening manner.


Threaten to assault another player, team official or spectator.



Use any language or gestures that offend, insult, humiliate, intimidate, threaten, disparage or vilify another person on the basis of that person’s gender, race, religion, colour, descent, national or ethnic origin.



Any disorderly conduct or inappropriate behaviour at an event under the jurisdiction or auspices of the VDCA.




Level 4 Penalty provision

Penalties for Level 4 Offences shall range from a 5 game suspension to an indefinite suspension.

There shall be no ‘expiry date’ for a Level 4 Penalty.

For repeat offenders, the Level of Penalty for the latest offence shall be the aggregate of the applicable new and previous non-expired Levels of offence to a maximum of Level 4. Notwithstanding, previous expired offences shall be taken into account when deciding penalties.

A previous offence shall be for any event under the jurisdiction or auspices of the West Coast Cricket Organisation (Cricket BC) including cricket associations affiliated directly or indirectly to Cricket BC, including the VDCA.

Level 4 Offences



Threaten to assault an umpire or match official.



Physically assault another player, umpire, match official or spectator.



Engage in any act of violence on the field of play.



Engage in any act of physical violence at an event under the jurisdiction or auspices of the VDCA.


Previous Infractions


Club: United Challengers

Shinder Baans - 2 games

Sukhminder Singh - 1 game


Club: Nanaimo District Cricket Club

Shivam Mandloi - 1 game

Vrush Desai - 1 game

Report Here




Reinstatement Date


Type of Offence
Code of Conduct breach

The Committee orders that no further action is required for Mr Sidhu with regard to the reported incident.


Cheema Asad Ullah


Reinstatement Date


Type of Offence
Code of Conduct breach

The Committee orders that Mr Cheema’s penalty for the above offence contrary to the VDCA’s Code of Conduct shall be –


  1. Suspension of Mr Cheema’s Player Registration and participation in any and all cricket events and activities organised under the auspices of the VDCA for a time period commencing immediately and ending after one (1) scheduled match for which Mr Cheema could have been nominated to play.


Dawood Jawad Jaffar


Reinstatement Date


Type of Offence
Code of Conduct breach

The Committee orders that Mr Dawood’s penalty for the above offence contrary to the VDCA’s Code of Conduct shall be –


  1. An official reprimand and referral of Mr Dawood to the Level 2 Penalty provisions of the VDCA’s Code of Conduct with regard to possible future offences.


Mann Satwant


Reinstatement Date

Islanders CC

Type of Offence
Code of Conduct breach

The Committee orders that Mr Mann’s penalty for the above offence contrary to the VDCA’s Code of Conduct shall be –


  1. An official reprimand and referral of Mr Mann to the Level 2 Penalty provisions of the VDCA’s Code of Conduct with regard to possible future offences.


Bhardwaj Prashant


Reinstatement Date

Islanders CC

Type of Offence
Code of Conduct breach

The Committee orders that Mr Bhardwaj’s penalty for the above offence contrary to the VDCA’s Code of Conduct shall be –


  1. An official reprimand and referral of Mr Bhardwaj to the Level 2 Penalty provisions of the VDCA’s Code of Conduct with regard to possible future offences.


Mahajan Jasvinder


Reinstatement Date

Islanders CC

Type of Offence
Code of Conduct breach

The Committee orders that no further action is required for Mr Mahajan with regard to the reported incident.


Benning Adam


Reinstatement Date

Cowichan C&SC

Type of Offence
Code of Conduct breach

 The Committee orders that Mr Benning’s penalty for the above offences contrary to the VDCA’s Code of Conduct shall be –


  1. Suspension of Mr Benning’s Player Registration and participation in any and all cricket events and activities organised under the auspices of the VDCA for a time period commencing immediately and ending after four (4) scheduled matches for which Mr Benning could have been nominated to play.


Evans Declan Vaughan


Reinstatement Date

Cowichan C&SC

Type of Offence
Code of Conduct breach

The Committee orders that Mr Evans’s penalty for the above offence contrary to the VDCA’s Code of Conduct shall be –


  1. Suspension of Mr Evans’s Player Registration and participation in any and all cricket events and activities organised under the auspices of the VDCA for a time period commencing immediately and ending after three (3) scheduled matches for which Mr Evans could have been nominated to play.


Rahim M Hassaan


Reinstatement Date

Cowichan C&SC

Type of Offence
Code of Conduct breach

The Committee orders that Mr Rahim’s penalty for the above offence contrary to the VDCA’s Code of Conduct shall be –


  1. Suspension of Mr Rahim’s Player Registration and participation in any and all cricket events and activities organised under the auspices of the VDCA for a time period commencing immediately and ending after three (3) scheduled matches for which Mr Rahim could have been nominated to play.


Singh uJagrup


Reinstatement Date

Cowichan C&SC

Type of Offence
Code of Conduct breach

The Committee orders that, due to mitigating circumstances, Mr Singh’s penalty for the above offence contrary to the VDCA’s Code of Conduct shall be –


  1. Suspension of Mr Singh’s Player Registration and participation in any and all cricket events and activities organised under the auspices of the VDCA for a time period commencing immediately and ending after one (1) scheduled match for which Mr Singh could have been nominated to play.

  2. Referral of Mr Singh to the Level 4 Penalty provisions of the VDCA’s Code of Conduct with regard to possible future offences.


Sachdeva Ankit


Reinstatement Date

Cowichan C&SC

Type of Offence
Code of Conduct breach

The Committee orders that, due to mitigating circumstances, Mr Sachdeva’s penalty for the above offence contrary to the VDCA’s Code of Conduct shall be –


  1. Suspension of Mr Sachdeva’s Player Registration and participation in any and all cricket events and activities organised under the auspices of the VDCA for a time period commencing immediately and ending after one (1) scheduled match for which Mr Sachdeva could have been nominated to play.

  2. Referral of Mr Sachdeva to the Level 4 Penalty provisions of the VDCA’s Code of Conduct with regard to possible future offences.


Bawa Vikramjit S


Reinstatement Date

Alcos CC

Type of Offence
Engaging in conduct detrimental to the Spirit of the Game

The Committee orders that Mr. Bawa’s penalty for the above offences contrary to the VDCA’s Code of Conduct shall be a suspension from participation in any and all cricket events and activities organized under the auspices of the VDCA for a time period starting immediately and ending on completion of four (4) scheduled matches organized under the auspices of the VDCA where Mr Bawa would have been nominated as a player.


Rahman Md Shimul


Reinstatement Date

Albion CC

Type of Offence
Engaging in conduct detrimental to the Spirit of the Game


The Committee orders that Mr. Rahman’s penalty for the above offences contrary to

the VDCA’s Code of Conduct shall be a requirement to issue a written letter of apology

to Dr James Young for his “improper behaviour” and that this letter must be issued

within 5 (five) days from receipt of this notification from the Secretary of the VDCA. A

copy of this apology letter must also be supplied to the Secretary of the VDCA and the

Chairman of the VDCA’s Disciplinary Committee.

2. The Committee orders that if Mr. Rahman should fail to issue this letter of apology in

accordance with the terms documented above, Mr. Rahman shall automatically be

suspended for 2 (two) Division I matchesThe Committee orders that Mr. Rahman’s penalty for the above offences contrary tothe VDCA’s Code of Conduct shall be a requirement to issue a written letter of apologyto Dr James Young for his “improper behaviour” and that this letter must be issuedwithin 5 (five) days from receipt of this notification from the Secretary of the VDCA. Acopy of this apology letter must also be supplied to the Secretary of the VDCA and theChairman of the VDCA’s Disciplinary Committee.

  1. The Committee orders that Mr. Rahman’s penalty for the above offences contrary to the VDCA’s Code of Conduct shall be a requirement to issue a written letter of apology to Dr James Young for his “improper behaviour” and that this letter must be issued within 5 (five) days from receipt of this notification from the Secretary of the VDCA. A copy of this apology letter must also be supplied to the Secretary of the VDCA and the Chairman of the VDCA’s Disciplinary Committee.

  2. The Committee orders that if Mr. Rahman shouldfail to issue this letter of apology inaccordance with the terms documented above, Mr. Rahman shall automatically besuspended for 2 (two) Division I matches.


Khan 1Abdul Samad


Reinstatement Date

Saanich CC

Type of Offence
engaging in conduct detrimental to the Spirit of the Game

The Committee orders that Mr. Khan’s penalty for the above offences contrary to the

VDCA’s Code of Conduct shall be an indefinite suspension (subject to the proviso

stated below) from participation as a player, coach, umpire, match official, team

manager, or scorer in any and all cricket events and activities organized under the

auspices of the VDCA.

  1. The Committee orders that Mr. Khan’s penalty for the above offences contrary to the VDCA’s Code of Conduct shall be an indefinite suspension (subject to the proviso stated below) from participation as a player, coach, umpire, match official, team manager, or scorer in any and all cricket events and activities organized under the auspices of the VDCA.

  2. This “indefinite” suspension is subject to the proviso that after the passing of five years from the date of the Committee’s decision (August 5, 2015) Mr. Samad Khan will be at liberty to apply to the VDCA’s Executive or its delegate(s) for cancellation of the suspension from participation in the above VDCA events and activities.


Chandla Lucky


Reinstatement Date

Islanders CC

Type of Offence
violating Sec 4.3 of the Code

6 Game suspension


Mann Tejwant


Reinstatement Date

Islanders CC

Type of Offence
violating Sec.3.2 of the Code.

3 Game suspension


Mann Satwant


Reinstatement Date

Islanders CC

Type of Offence
violating Sec.3.2 of the Code.

5 game suspension.


Singh ~Varinder


Reinstatement Date

Islanders CC

Type of Offence
violating Sec.1.2 of the Code and 3 Games for violating Sec.3.2 of the Code.

4 Game suspension


Gill Jatinderpal


Reinstatement Date

Islanders CC

Type of Offence
Violating Sec 1.1 & 3.2 of the code

8 Game suspension


Bawa Vikramjit S


Reinstatement Date

Saanich CC

Type of Offence
violating Section 1.4

2 Game suspension


 Kohli Dushyant


Reinstatement Date

Saanich CC

Type of Offence
not controlling his team & second offence

4 game suspension.


  • 2015 October 12 - Report from Disciplinary Committee regarding incidents during a Semi-Final of the Division I Weekend League Play-offs, between Albion CC and United Victoria CC.
    Incident date: 2015 Sep 06
    Hearing date: 2015 Oct 09
    Result: Member suspension - Vikramjit S Bawa - Four (4) matches

  • 2015 August 31 - Report from Disciplinary Committee Chair regarding incidents during Match 65 of the Division I Weekend League, between Alcos CC and Albion CC.
    Incident date: 2015 Aug 08
    Hearing date: None (cancelled)
    Result: No action.

  • 2015 August 07 - Report from Disciplinary Committee regarding incidents during Match 49 of the Division I Weekend League, between Albion CC and United Victoria CC.
    Incident date: 2015 Jul 04
    Hearing date: 2015 Aug 05
    Result: Member suspension - Abdul Samad Khan - Indefinite

  • 2015 August 07 - Report from Disciplinary Committee regarding incidents during Match 52 of the Division I Weekend League, between Colts and Metchosin CC.
    Incident date: 2015 Jul 05
    Hearing date: 2015 Aug 05
    Result: Member ordered to issue written letter of apology - M Shimul "Sieam" Rahman

  • 2014 August 16 - 

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